

The procedure is important for the Vata dosha mainly, but can be used for Kapha and pitta and for all sorts of diseases also. In this procedure Medicated oil or ghee and an herbal decoction are given as enema enema. Since it has a direct action over the large intestine, which is the main site of Vata dosha, it acts instantaneously. This procedure is usually applied for 8 to 30 days, based on the medical condition of a person.

The best season for this procedure for healthy person and also diseased is the rainy season.


Vat dosha _ diseases, Arthrities , Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, Parkinsonism Backache, Sciatica,Arthritis,Osteoporosis,Hair disease ,Obesity , Sexual Debility & Infertility , Menstrual cycle related problems ,Muscular disease ,Skin diseae Diabetes, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Constipation, Digestive disorders, , Hepatomegaly & Splenomegaly, Piles etc

Main Procedure

An enema of medicated oil is given.This is given after meals. This may even get retained in the body and may even get absorbed, depending upon the need of the body. So the procedure of snehana is done by such kind of oil enema, technically called as Sneha-basti or anuvasana -basti.

It’s an enema of herbs decoction, honey, salt and oil as mentioned earlier. It is to be given empty stomach. It evacuates the bowels immediately. Post Procedure The person is advised to take warm water bath and then a light meal , preferably with rice. Then again the Sneha Basti can be given on the same day or the second day.

Courses of basti
Yoga Basti

It is course of 8 bastis comprising one sneha basti initially, 3 decoction bastis (technically called Niruha or asthapana basti) alternatively followed by 3 sneha bastis and one sneha basti in the end. A course of 15 or 30 bastis has also been mentioned in the texts.